Funding Request: $3,494.43 CAD

Critical Need: CNIKM0724 

Mahalakshmi is a mother of two children: Vikash (who is sponsored) and Vijithra. She was working as a janitor. As the sole breadwinner of the family, she handles her children’s health and education. She manages her family’s needs and the children’s education with her modest income and with the support they receive from sponsorship.

Funding Request: $13,781.39 CAD

Critical Need: CNIBS0624

Kumar lives with his wife, Devika, and two children. Their elder daughter, Menaka, is 15 and enjoying grade ten with the support of her Chalice sponsor. Their son is nine and in grade four. Kumar is a painter, and his wife works in a garment company.

Funding Request: $2,835.80 CAD

Critical Need: CNZKL0724

Blessings comes from a rural village about 350 Km from St. Mary’s School for the Visually Impaired in northern Zambia. He lives with his parents who are subsistence farmers. 

Funding Request: $2,835.80 CAD

Critical Need: CNZKL0724

Blessings comes from a rural village about 350 Km from St. Mary’s School for the Visually Impaired in northern Zambia. He lives with his parents who are subsistence farmers. 

Funding Request: $1,663.60 CAD

Critical Need: CNIBV0624

Porkodian, 45, is a father of three and an electrician. His son, Sham, is 16 and studying at a local polytechnic with the support of his Chalice sponsor. Porkodians wife, Glory, is a housecleaner.

Funding Request: $1,511.33 CAD

Critical Need: CNIKK0624

Marshal is 20 years old and pursuing his undergrad degree, with the generous support of his Chalice sponsor through our Kerala site. His father, Sabu, is the sole earner of the family as a daily wage worker. His family is grateful that his sponsor’s donations support urgent needs and the children’s education.

Funding Request: $1,478.74 CAD

Critical Need: CNIBB0624

John Peter lives with his wife, Mery Mythili, and his sponsored son, Vishal. John Peter works as a watchman and his wife is a daily wage worker. Vishal is 11 and in grade five, supported by his sponsor through our Bangalore site.

Funding Request: $1,143.49 CAD

Critical Need: CNULG0624

Artem lives with his large, multigenerational family his great-grandfather's home in Lviv, Ukraine. He and his three brothers are all blessed with Chalice sponsors.

Funding Request: $5,090.66

Critical Need: CNUPI0624

Mariia is 73 years old; she’s the mother of Pochaiv site worker, Nataliia. Despite a bout of rheumatism when she was in her teens, Mariia has led an active and healthy life. She worked as a farmer for most of her adult life.

Funding Request: $4,812.50

Critical Need:  CNKND0624

Alvin is 10 years old; he and his mother Serah live in a rented room in an informal settlement in Nairobi. He is enjoying grade four with the support of his Chalice sponsor. Serah is a packer at the airport, which is sporadic work, and she can go days without income. Her wages only meet some of the basic family needs. 

Funding Request: $2,453.00 CAD

Critical Need:  CNKAS0424

Cecilia is a devoted 72-year-old grandmother and a hardworking subsistence farmer. She tends to her kitchen garden to provide for her three orphaned grandchildren, whom she lovingly cares for in her home in our Asembo sponsor site. She has also been an ardent volunteer for many Chalice programs.

Funding Request: $3,392.51 CAD

Critical Need: CNPBU0424

Nenita, a 68-year-old grandmother of two sponsored children, was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in September 2023.

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