Funding Request: $3,392.51 CAD

Critical Need: CNPBU0424

Nenita, a 68-year-old grandmother of two sponsored children, was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in September 2023.

Mrs. Nenita’s chemo for colon cancer, Bulacan, Philippines Nenita lives with her grandchildren, Romina and Jeremy, the children of her adopted daughter, who lives in another province. Both Romina and Jeremy are studying with the support of a Chalice sponsor through our Bulacan site, just north of Manila.

Nenita, 68, supports her grandchildren with her business selling Filipino macaroni soup, rice porridge and steamed rice cakes for breakfast.

Nenita was diagnosed with stage II colon cancer in 2018. She underwent chemotherapy three times. She recovered, returned to work, and attended regular check-ups to monitor her condition.

In September 2023, she was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer, and it had spread to her liver. She underwent eight cycles of palliative chemotherapy. According to her CT scan results, her tumour has slightly decreased. Her doctor has told Nenita that she needs to receive chemotherapy orally.

She had to stop working during her treatment and must rest for many more months. This has placed her family in a precarious situation. Nenita’s sister, 78-year-old Rocita, has become the provider for both Nenita’s treatment and Romina and Jeremy’s daily needs.

Nenita did not know how she would fund her next round of treatment, let alone cover the existing medical bills. She turned to Romina’s Chalice field worker for help.

The Bulacan site has therefore requested $3,392.51 CAD to cover Nenita’s hospital fees, medicine, chemotherapy, and CT scans.

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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