Funding Request: $1,045.85 CAD

Critical Need: CNPCC0624

Lorena, a teacher by profession, works as the director of a school in Chiclayo, Peru. She lives with her husband, Eduardo, who’s also a teacher. They have three children, two daughters and one son. Lorena has been a tremendous supporter of our Chiclayo site’s work. For four consecutive years, she’s collaborated to support the sites’ three central programs for sponsored children and their parents.

Lorena's cancer treatment, Chiclayo, Peru

This spring, Lorena was diagnosed with tongue cancer. She has begun to receive a course of 33 radiotherapy treatments. So far, she has 14 down. Her grade of cancer is advanced and aggressive. The treatment is urgent, stopping the cancer from progressing and placing her life in greater danger.

Her chemo treatments are covered under health insurance, but the radiotherapy sessions are not; they are expensive. Friends and family have offered some help so far, but she doesn’t know how she will find the resources to cover the remaining rounds.

The Chiclayo site staff requested assistance for 10 radiotherapy sessions, costing $1,045.85 CAD. These will help the family so they can afford the costs of her treatment.

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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