Funding Request: $13,781.39 CAD

Critical Need: CNIBS0624

Kumar lives with his wife, Devika, and two children. Their elder daughter, Menaka, is 15 and enjoying grade ten with the support of her Chalice sponsor. Their son is nine and in grade four. Kumar is a painter, and his wife works in a garment company.

Kumar's renal transplant, Bangalore, India

Kumar, 42, was experiencing abdominal pain, breathing issues, and acute pain while passing urine. He was admitted to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with renal parenchymal disease, which describes conditions affecting the kidneys and urinary filtration. Three days in, he started hemodialysis via a central line catheter. They discharged him the following day.

A month later, he went for a consultation, where the doctor diagnosed chronic kidney disease. He urgently needed a kidney transplant. He would need the surgery in less than two weeks.

He and Devika admitted themselves to the kidney care transplant centre in Bangalore. Kumar was confirmed to be a candidate for a donation, and Devika was deemed eligible to donate a kidney to her husband.

The doctor explained the issues and consequences of surgery, and the overall expenses for a kidney transplant. Kumar and Devika decided to have the surgery. In late March 2024, Devika’s kidney was transplanted successfully to Kumar. 

 Devika was discharged three days later. She has been in good health, taking her medications.  Kumar was discharged after five days; his doctors discharged him with instructions to maintain a low salt diet, avoid heavy lifting, and to take his prescribed medication.

But their combined medical journey has now left the couple with medical expenses equal to $13,781.39 CAD. This is far more than the family can afford. 

Devika’s younger sister Gowri attended her Chalice family circle meeting while Devika recovered. She told the group about the emergency and showed them the bills. The family circle members verified the bills and reports and passed a resolution to apply for critical needs funds from Chalice. 

Your support will cover Kumar and Devika’s hospitalizations, medications, and healthcare services.

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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