COVID-19 disaster relief funds distributed to Chalice sites

Through the generosity of our Canadian supporters, we have been able to send $1,078,517 CAD to help families and communities deal with the hardships faced because of the pandemic. Two major disbursements were made: $951,104 in cash transfers through our Family Funding model plus $127,413 for individual initiatives. This amount does not include the COVID support that was provided through Special Money, Grants, Gift Catalogue, and Critical Needs.

Click on a country below to learn more about our work.

Chalice Programs

Chalice's main sponsorship model is Family Funding. Over the last few years, Chalice has been moving away from our older benefit disribution model in which the decision-making process was controlled at the sponsor site level. As each family is unique, so are their needs and the Family Funding model supports guardians of sponsored children in order that they can be the main decision-makers in budgeting and spending Chalice sponsorship funds within their family. The key to Family Funding's success is that every month, the sponsored child's guardian meets with their Family Circle (a small community group comprised of other guardians and a Chalice field worker). Each member of the group shares their budget for the upcoming month and reports back to the group on their expenditures for the previous month. Another feature of Family Funding is that every family now has their own bank account where sponsorship funds are deposited. Even though Family Funding is very different from the benefit distribution model, it is a requirement that expenses related to the sponsored child's education be given top priority.

sponsorshipprojectionsOur Family Circles have many benefits. Since peer members hold each other to a high standard, there's an increased level of accountability. The members get to know each other on a personal level, building a sense of friendship and community. An experienced and engaged circle group member can also provide knowledge, skills, and confidence to new families so that they can lift themselves out of extreme poverty. In addition to the knowledge and skills that group members acquire from each other, formal training is also delivered by professionals and site staff on a range of topics, including financial literacy. Some Chalice sites also have programming for elders. There are modifications to the focus of the programming to meet their specific needs. In many cases, the sponsored elders are cared for by Family Circles in their proximity.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoSponsorship by the Numbers
Fiscal Year 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22
Regions we work in 5 5 5
Countries we work in 13 13 14
Sponsor sites 51 53 52
Amount distributed to regions $19,550,954.84 $18,698,599.89 $18,941,022.87
Sponsored children
Africa 14,180 13,603 13,598
Asia  14,713 15,075 14,747
Haiti 3,373   3,437 3,393
Latin America 11,986  12,725 12,819
Ukraine 4,297  4,347 4,459
Total 48,549 49,187 49,016
Sponsored elder
Africa 60 51 49
Asia 176 189 194
Haiti 0 0 0
Latin America 556 684 611
Ukraine  15 5 7
Total  807 929 861
Grand Total 49,356 50,116 49,877

Demographic Breakdown of Sponsorship



Sponsored Girls

online payment


Sponsored Boys

GC copy


Sponsored Women



Sponsored Men



Sponsored Girls who are in school



Sponsored Boys who are in school

GC copy


Families with sponsored children



Sponsored Children and Elder 

Community Projects and Programs

Chalice supports sponsor sites with various types of Community Projects & Programs under the following two categories: Human Development Programs (HDP) and Capital Projects (CP). 

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoCommunity Projects and Programs
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites $2,941,619.81 $2,694,401.32 $2,403,817.60

Our projects and programs focus on Education and Training, Food Security, Nutrition and Water, Health, and Community Improvements.

projects and programs funding received

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoHousing and school repair projects completed
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022
Housing repairs 1 0 2
School Repairs 2 16 6

Housing in India

A lack of adequate housing is a significant issue across many of our Indian sites. Through sponsorship, families are able to meet their daily needs, but not undertake much-needed housing construction or renovations. Since 2021, Chalice sites in India have undertaken housing construction projects that have housed 1,175 people.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoNew house construction in India
Fiscal Year 2023-2024  2022-2023 2021-2022
Houses built 83 95 44

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoBeneficiaries of new houses in India (2021-2024)
Total Beneficiaries  Children Adults
1,175 664 511

Mangalagiri Housing Project

In 2023, the Mangalagiri site staff have partnered with Chalice to construct houses for 15 selected families in theIn 2023, the Mangalari site staff have partnered with Chalice to construct houses for 15 selected families in the Amaravathi and Khammam communities. There are 52 people among them, including 28 children, and an average of three to four members per household. More than half of the parents rely on daily labour work, and nine families are headed by women.

Download the 2023 Mangalagiri Housing Project

Zero Cavities

To combat the issue of poor oral health, the Tondo site In Manila has been running their “Zero Cavities” program for four years. In that time, the children’s oral health has improved significantly. There were a few setbacks during the pandemic lockdown hiatus, but progress has been steady since it resumed in July 2021.

Dental check-ups and treatments (oral prophylaxis, fluoride application, pit and fissure sealant, restoration, and extraction)
(SPC= sponsored children)

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Phase 1 - early 2019 to Feb 2020 
(before the pandemic) 

Completed Procedures 

1352 SPCs, 136 non-SPC (siblings) = 1488 children 

Ongoing Intervention 

509 SPCs, 72 non-SPC (siblings) = 581 children 


2,069 children 


Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo Phase 2 - from Feb – Dec 2021 
(frequent changes of lockdown rules by the Philippine government) 

Online Consultations (incl. urgent cases; Feb – Jun 2021) 

54 SPCs 

Completed Procedures (Jul - Dec 2021) 

91 SPCs, 31 non-SPC (siblings) = 122 children 

Dental Home Care (seminars & fluoride application) 

274 non-SPCs 


396 children (including online consults) 

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoContinuation of Phase 2 - from Jan 2022 to Feb 2023  
(lockdown rules are more lenient) 

Completed Procedures 

471 SPCs, 14 non-SPC (siblings) = 485 children 

9 parents of SPCs and 12 staff = 21 adults 

Ongoing Intervention 

1,278 SPCs, 4 non-SPC (siblings) = 1,282 children 

Dental Home Care (seminars & fluoride application) 

827 non-SPCs 


2,594 children & 21 adults 

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoPhase 3 interim results – from March 2023 – Oct 2023  
(program continues through Feb 2024) 

Completed Procedures 

505 SPCs, 13 non-SPC (siblings) = 518 children 

9 parents of SPCs and 11 staff = 20 adults 

Ongoing Intervention 

741 SPCs, three non-SPC (siblings) = 744 children 

Dental Home Care (seminars & fluoride application) 

476 non-SPCs, 224 parents 


1,738 children & 244 adults 

Nutrition Program
Our Chalice Nutrition Program supports activities that promote and improve nutritional health for children (both sponsored and non-sponsored) in sponsor site communities in Central and South America, Haiti, Africa, and Philippines. Programs include both feeding and educational components and most are supported by a nutritionist, either at the site or the regional office level. To ensure each program addresses the unique needs of the community, the program is flexible and allows for many different designs.

Our sites continue to emphasize the need for nutrition programming for the most vulnerable.

In our 2023-2024 fiscal year, Chalice approved more than $1.3 million CAD for nutrition programs across our sites, to support programs running for 1-3 years, depending on the needs of the program and site.

Read the 2023 Nutrition Impact Report.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoNutrition Programs
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 2021-2022
Meals served 3,962,037 5,152,052 
People fed  42,160 24,256 
Nutrition programs 25 29
Funds sent to each region $512,282 $499,577

Disaster Relief
Chalice may provide support to communities in countries where we work following larger-scale natural disasters. This differs from Critical Needs, which are smaller in scale and more focused towards individuals and families. Disasters are calamities resulting from such events as hurricanes, floods, drought, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, fires, tsunamis, and other natural forces.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoDisaster relief
Fiscal Year 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22
Number of disaster events 5 6 12
Funds provided $664,475.10 $1,097,791 $2,703,310

In our fiscal year 2023-2024 the total disaster funding provided was $664,475.10.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoDisaster events 2023-24
Disaster events Funds sent
Valparaiso fire - Chile  $97,057.61
Ayolas floods - Paraguay
Luhombero floods - Tanzania
Haiti Regional Assistance $362,348.89
Ukraine Regional Assistance $205,068.60
Grand Total $664,475.10

You can find a link to a YouTube video in which our site coordinator has reported on the activities and life from the perspective of families in our Pochaiv site: "A Ray of Light: Life through the Eyes of Families in Ukraine" - YouTube
Gift Catalogue
Every year Chalice invites eligible sponsor sites to apply for additional support through the Gift Catalogue. In our fiscal year 2023-2024 (Jul 1-Jun 30) the total funds raised through the Gift Catalogue were $2,046,054.20
In the 2012-2023 fiscal year total contributions to the gift catalogue were $1,886,464

Eligibility is based on site capacity and performance in financial and operational requirements. Sites are given a list of items they may use to guide their requests. This program benefits both sponsored and non-sponsored children. There is a broad range of categories in the catalogue and sites use this funding opportunity to supplement activities and reach out beyond the sponsorship program. Some examples are: animals (goats, rabbits, and chickens), educational items (books, classroom furniture, and uniforms), health and hygiene (vaccines, toiletries, diapers, and specific medical needs), skills development, small business support, and community infrastructure like water systems and agricultural support.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoContributions received for gift catalogue
Fiscal Year: July 1 - June 30
2023-06-30 2022-06-30
write child 
 animals and farming
$421,044.64 $454,907.59  $391,231.07
write child livelihood and nutrition $416,896.00 $344,667.35  $497,319.65 
write child most needed $538,760.92 $557,747.93  $550,634.35 
write child household $71,636.00 $124,697.30  $122,264.05 
write child health $139,207.65 $121,476.25   $160,325.00
/community_developement.pngcommunity development $306,222.00 $162,585.00  $ 188,025.47
/community_developement.png education $152,286.79 $117,665.60   $121,708.61
total contributions $2,046,054.20 $1,886,464.00  $2,031,508.20

Read the Christmas Gift Catalogue Impact Report for 2022-23


Critical Needs
When sites are faced with an extreme or critical situation that is urgent, they may apply for Critical Needs funding. Critical Needs are categorized into three main groups and are used to provide immediate support to individuals or families facing the following types of crises:
1) Grave conditions for which urgent action is required and which, if not urgently addressed, will endanger the life of the individual(s) concerned (e.g. hospitalization and treatment for serious injuries sustained in an accident).
2) Chronic, serious, and/or congenital medical conditions that negatively impact an individual's health and/or quality of life (e.g. corrective surgery required for a child born with cleft palate).
3) Extreme emergency situations that threaten the well-being of a family (e.g. rebuilding a family home that was destroyed in a fire).

In our fiscal year 2023-2024 (Jul 1-Jun 6) Chalice supported 222 critical need emergencies with total funding of $403,574.3
In the fiscal year 2022-2023, Chalice supported 168 critical need emergencies with total funding of $293,695

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Total number of year 2024
Month Count Sum
Jul 22 $60,693.54
Aug 30 $53,928.38
Sep 15 $37,083.05
Oct 27 $38,029.25
Nov 25 $40,488.74
Dec 14 $20,700.96
Jan 27 $39,626.84
Feb 18 $28,710.06
Mar 21 $28,006.31
Apr 13 $24,324.09
May 10 $31,983.08
Total 222 $403,574.30

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Category of Critical Needs
Category Count
Death 10
Dental 2
Housing 13
Medical 196
Medical and Funeral 1
Grand Total 222

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoCritical Needs
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
(June 6, 2024)
2022-2023 2021-2022
Total of Critical Needs 222  168 124
Total funds sent  $403,574.3 $293,695  $201,397.49
Grants to sites
Charitable donations in the form of grant funding can be directed to one of our Chalice sponsor sites, an individual sponsored child or sponsor child's family. This type of charitable gift can be directed without a specific purpose as a general grant or a purpose driven grant. In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, total donated grant funds were $304,267.68. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, Chalice sent $414,452.54 in funding to our sites.

A general grant can be gifted to a sponsor site, sponsored child, or sponsored child's family to be used as deemed best by the recipient in order to supplement their income, operating or programming expenses. An example of a general grant could be a grant directed to a sponsor site who uses it to enhance an after-school program or offset transportation costs incurred when transporting special needs children to appointments or off-site events.

A purpose driven grant can be gifted to a sponsor site, sponsor child or sponsored child's family to be used for a previously agreed upon purpose. In most cases a purpose driven grant is a direct result of a previously prepared budget.

An example of this is a grant directed to the sponsor site for the sole purpose of purchasing a braille printer to be used by blind children at the site. A purpose driven grant directed to a specific child may be to fulfill an opportunity for post-secondary education and a purpose driven grant to a sponsor child's family may be directed in response to a budget prepared to replace the dilapidated roof of their family home.

GrantsChalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Fiscal Year 2023-2024  2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites  $304,267.68  $414,452.54 $515,634.62

Christmas money
Christmas money donations are sent to sites to pay for a Christmas celebration for the community. Many sites were glad that some public health restrictions had eased, allowing them to have in-person celebrations once again.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoChristmas Money
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites $409,271.58 $413,800.95 $551,590.25

A few examples of the ways our sponsor site shared their Christmas funds in 2021

At the Neema site in Songea, Tanzania
In our Neema sponsor site in Tanzania, the staff and families used the Christmas Fund to spread Christmas cheer to the entire community. As a part of this years’ Christmas celebration, they visited a local prison bearing gifts of gumboots and personal hygiene products. They called their gifts “The Bags of Love.”  Back at the Neema sponsor site, the sponsored children, their parents, and elders from the community sat down for a “sumptuous meal.”  The children also received “Bags of Love” with special and practical gifts of umbrellas, mosquito nets and sandals. “It was a wonderful Merry Christmas and joyful celebration” writes Sr Mary-Grace, Neema site director.  “Dear Sponsors, we thank you for making this Christmas day a memorable one for the children, families, the elderly, and those in prison.”

At our Mangalagiri site in India
The children in our Mangalagiri, India, sponsor site always look forward to their annual gathering. They wear new clothes and Christmas caps, share little gifts among themselves, dance, and share a meal. The family circles could not exclude the vulnerable in their communities. The 34 family circles shared items such as dry foods, bedsheets, sarees, blankets, dresses, sweaters, and notebooks with 260 their  neighbours in need. Everyone received food and 100 were invited to a special meal. One family circle supported a sponsored family whose breadwinner had become paralyzed with a supply of dry goods for two months. “We are grateful to all the donors who contributed so generously for our sponsored families to celebrate Christmas in a meaningful way,” writes Sr Maria Rose, site director.

Read our 2023 Christmas Fund Impact Report

Special Money
Special money donations can also be directed to a sponsored child and their family for specific purposes such as birthdays, educational needs, housing repairs, and medical requirements. In the fiscal year 2024-2023, Chalice supporters gave $1,751,027.91 to their child or elder. In 2022-2023, Chalice sent $1,703,573.21 in Special Money to our sites. These donations from sponsors are also deposited directly into families' bank accounts. For donations above $500, notification is required to provide time for the family to prepare a budget on how their special gift will be used.

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoSpecial Money
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites  $1,751,027.91  $1,703,573.21 $1,739,466.79

Privacy Policy

At Chalice we respect and protect your privacy. This means that:

  • With your consent, we will gather only the minimum personal information necessary to provide you with current information about our mission and activities, and to provide you with fast, reliable processes if you support Chalice
  • We will not sell, exchange, loan or make available to other companies any personal information that you have provided to us.
  • We will keep all personal information confidential, and we will have safeguards to protect that information whether it is in print, electronic or other form
  • We will make available to you, upon request, your personal information that we have on file, and we will correct, amend or delete information at your request
  • In the unfortunate event of a security breach we will take steps to contain and minimize the impact of the breach. To the extent required by law or best practices, we will notify you and the necessary third parties, and submit the appropriate reports to the Privacy Commissioner.

Personal information

In order to serve our supporters with the right materials at the right levels, delivered to the right address, and to ensure that the financial relationship is correct and current, Chalice needs to have certain basic personal information on file.

 Personal information is the information we have that relates to you, our supporter, as an individual. Personal information, beyond your name and contact information may include any or all of the following: a record of your support and payment method, alternate contact information and your account number.

We will only request information from you that relates directly to the products or services we are providing to you, and we will keep that information active only as long as the uses for which it has been collected are relevant to your needs.

Valid Consent

Chalice must obtain the valid consent of anyone whose name may be retained in our records to receive products or information. If a supporter sends in a coupon or a form requesting our services, we accept that as implied consent. If we need information beyond that which the supporter has indicated (in conducting a survey, for instance), we will request the explicit consent of the supporter either verbally or in writing.

The supporter can at any time withdraw consent to receive further information or products. We will then remove the supporter’s name as quickly as possible.

From time to time we may acquire from outside companies lists of supporters who have consented to receive information. It may sometimes occur that a name that we have deleted on request from our files may appear on one of the lists we have acquired. In such a case the supporter may request another deletion.

Call monitoring and recording

In order to ensure a high level of supporter service, our supporter service calls may be monitored for training purposes only. We may do this to ensure the highest level of service to our supporters and to enable our staff to improve their skills through practical mentoring and coaching.

Employee commitment

Our employees and volunteers are committed to respecting the personal information we hold in our files. They have signed an obligation to abide by the company policy relating to the proper use of personal information.

Third party commitment

From time to time we may send information to third parties such as printers or mailing houses. These companies are required to sign a commitment to respect our privacy policy and to utilize the lists only for the purposes we specify and not make any copies of the files.

Limitations on use

We will not use your personal information for any purposes, other than those outlined above, unless we have asked your permission and have received your consent.

We will remove or destroy personal information when it is no longer relevant for the uses for which it was gathered. We will delete your name from our mailing list following the receipt of your request by letter, fax, email or phone.

Retention of information

We will not retain personal information indefinitely. Generally a name is retained for two years after it has become inactive. Files are then destroyed or deleted, except for financial and other records, which, in accordance with the law or best practices, have to be archived for longer periods. Archived information is not accessed or used for operational or marketing purposes.


All information held by us is subject to strict internal security to prevent unauthorized access and improper usage. Electronic records are subject to limited access by authorized personnel who must use passwords and other security measures. Print records of personal information are subject to physical protection such as locked rooms or cabinets, accessible only to authorized personnel.

Our site contains links to other sites. Chalice is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of these linked websites.

Access to information

 As our supporter, you have a right to know what information we are holding with respect to you, and you have the right to ensure that it is accurate. On request, we will arrange to supply you with a printout of our files relating to your information. If you wish to verify your information, please write to Chalice Privacy Officer, Suite 101, 26 Union Street, Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 2B5 or call 1-902-252-3911 or 1-800-776-6855. If you find errors or omissions, we will be pleased to make corrections.


When you visit our website, we take steps to respect and protect your privacy.

A cookie is information about how and when you use a site that a web server creates when you visit. This data is placed on your computer hard drive in the form of a small text file. There are two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are used only for the time you stay on the website. When you leave the site, they expire and are no longer active. Persistent cookies are more permanent and can be re-read when you return to the site. We use persistent cookies only to identify previous visits so that you may be directed to the part of our website in which you are interested. We do not use cookies to retrieve data from your hard drive or to obtain your e-mail address or other personal information.

You may choose not to accept cookies by setting your browser options to inform you when cookies are being sent, or to deny cookies altogether. Please note, however, that by not accepting cookies you may limit the functionality that we can provide to you when you visit our website.

To help us serve you better, we automatically collect generic, non-personal information about visits to our website. We do not collect personal information such as names, ages, phone numbers, addresses or e-mail addresses from visitors to our website. We do not collect individual profile information for visitors across multiple sites and do not aggregate information from any other sources about browsing patterns of individual visitors across multiple sites.

We do collect selected visitor information such as IP addresses, return visits from past guests, referring pages, pages visited and time spent on the website. We collect such non-personally identifiable information in order to: obtain statistical analysis of web page traffic patterns for our website, administer our website and servers, allow for auditing of our services by third parties, and to improve our services. We collect data in aggregate form, and data is not recorded or stored about individual visitors.

Questions or comments

We will do our best to resolve any questions or comments you may have. Please write Chalice Privacy Officer, Suite 101, 26 Union Street, Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 2B5 or call 1-902-252-3911 or 1-800-776-6855., or email and indicate your concern as related to privacy so it may be directed to the privacy officer.

If, having shared your concerns with us, you are still not satisfied, you may file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by telephone at 1-800-282-1376, or by mail at 30 Victoria Street, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1H3.


The personal information that you share with Chalice will be utilized only to manage our mission and work to provide donors with opportunities to help children and to communicate about our work. It will not be sold, exchanged or rented to any other organization or company.

To make this notice easily accessible, we will make it available on our home page and at every point throughout our website that requires the entry of personal information.

No personal data will be collected for browsing the Chalice website; however, these particulars will be required to access certain pages such as sponsorship of a child, making donations or requesting further information. In these cases, for example, donors will be asked to submit their name, address or other contact information.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify, or contact a specific individual. This may include an individual’s opinion or belief, as well as facts about, or related to the individual whether recorded or not.

Exception: Where an individual uses his/her home contact information as business contact information as well, we consider that the contact information provided is a business contact and is therefore, not subject to protection as personal information.


Senior Managers shall report infractions of this policy in a timely fashion to the President and / or the Management Committee of the Board. This includes reporting on the status of pending, ongoing and completed investigations and remedial actions

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