Project Location: Nandom, Ghana
Project Code: CP- GNA0124

Families living in the Nandom community of northern Ghana live with the daily challenges of improper toilet facilities. With no plumbed latrines, families must resort to open defecation. This increases the risk of diseases for water contamination, such as cholera. Some families have previously tried to build their own latrines, but only had access to mud and other impermanent materials, which can't withstand time and weather.

Project Location: Asembo, Kenya
Project Code: CP-KAL0722

Nyawita is an elementary school in a rural agricultural area in the far eastern corner of Kenya. The Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna, who run Chalice’s Asembo sponsor site, opened the school with the dream of bringing quality education to this remote and underserved community. On the same property, the Sisters also launched a high school for the visually impaired. There are 200 sponsored children in the community.

Project Location: Chiclayo, Peru
Project Code: HDP-PCC1023

Teens in Peru are battling on many fronts. Still reeling from the devastating loss of life and social isolation in the pandemic, their grades, mental health, and relationships have all suffered. The Chiclayo site staff have seen a marked increase in school dropouts, anxiety, and depression.

Project Location: Mombasa, Kenya
Project Code: HDPKMM0424

Our Mombasa sponsor site is run by the Sisters of St. Joseph, whose scope of ministry is vast. They serve their coastal city’s most vulnerable members, providing shelter, food, education, and loving care to hundreds of children, teens, and elders whose families cannot provide for them.

Project Location: PENNT, Bolivia
Project Code: CP-BPE0124

The Parroquia San Carlos Borromeo (St Charles Borromeo Parish) is the nerve centre of their community in Cochabamba, Bolivia. 

Project Location: Asembo, Kenya
Project Code: HDPKAA0124

The sponsor site staff in our Asembo site see an alarming deterioration of mental health in their rural Kenyan region. They can see that children and teens are incredibly stressed at school and at home and might not have the right outlets. They get the ‘weekend blues’ and don’t know who they can talk to.

Project Location: Bangalore, India
Project Code: CPIBG1023

The communities of Bangalore, Bellary, Manvi, Chamarajanagar, and Wayanad struggle with a widespread issue: inadequate housing and sanitation facilities. 

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